Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our passion is expanding God’s Kingdom and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ - the good news - both locally, and internationally.
We walk the mission field with passion and expectation, sharing with everyone that will hear. Our missions comprise of outreaches, charity and community support while connecting through networking. We supply training, assist with the planning and mobility to move on from the moment we leave. It is of utmost importance to leave a strong foundation so the church will grow from strength to strength and flourish as God has intended each one to do.
To date, our missions team have planted over 30 churches with their skills and passion for God’s order of discipleship. We know this is part of the heartbeat of God, and we walk faithfully herein, believing that our seedling starters will produce much fruit planted in the grace of God!
Our Go-Team hits international shores twice annually, at this stage. We would like to maintain this, and build on it with your help!
Be a part of this amazing ministry - become a GoTeam member today!
Or sow into this ministry and see God go to work with your seed!
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation..
Mark 16:15
We walk the mission field with passion and expectation, sharing with everyone that will hear. Our missions comprise of outreaches, charity and community support while connecting through networking. We supply training, assist with the planning and mobility to move on from the moment we leave. It is of utmost importance to leave a strong foundation so the church will grow from strength to strength and flourish as God has intended each one to do.
To date, our missions team have planted over 30 churches with their skills and passion for God’s order of discipleship. We know this is part of the heartbeat of God, and we walk faithfully herein, believing that our seedling starters will produce much fruit planted in the grace of God!
Our Go-Team hits international shores twice annually, at this stage. We would like to maintain this, and build on it with your help!
Be a part of this amazing ministry - become a GoTeam member today!
Or sow into this ministry and see God go to work with your seed!
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation..
Mark 16:15